Ice Tank Adventure Ltd Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking

At Ice Tank Adventure Ltd, we are committed to conducting our business ethically and responsibly. We recognize the global challenges posed by modern slavery and human trafficking and firmly stand against any form of exploitation within our operations and supply chain.

Our commitment to combating these issues is deeply ingrained in our core values. We are dedicated to ensuring that all individuals involved in the production and distribution of our cold water wellness products, including ice baths, changing robes, and swimming accessories, are treated with dignity, respect, and fairness.

To uphold this commitment, we:

  1. Supplier Due Diligence: We rigorously vet our suppliers to ensure they adhere to ethical labor practices. We collaborate with partners who share our values and commitment to eradicating modern slavery and human trafficking.
  2. Employee Awareness: We prioritize educating our employees about the signs of exploitation, providing them with the knowledge and tools to identify and report any concerns related to modern slavery or human trafficking.
  3. Continuous Monitoring: We conduct regular audits and assessments of our supply chain to identify and address any potential risks or non-compliance with our ethical standards.
  4. Transparency: We believe in transparency and accountability. We strive to provide clear and accessible information about our efforts to combat modern slavery and human trafficking on our website and in our communications.
  5. Continuous Improvement: We are committed to continually reviewing and enhancing our policies and practices to stay at the forefront of the fight against modern slavery and human trafficking.

By choosing Ice Tank Adventure Ltd, you are supporting a business that is actively working to create a positive impact on the world. Together, we can contribute to a future where every individual is treated with dignity and respect, and where modern slavery and human trafficking have no place in our supply chains or communities.